Constitution By Laws

Rocky Point Civic Association Constitution

Available in PDF - download here Revised October 2015

Article 1.

The name of this association shall be The Rocky Point Civic Association, Inc.

Article 2. Object of the Association

The object of the Association shall be to promote the welfare and quality of life in Rocky Point and the surrounding community.

Article 3A. Membership:

An individual who has reached the age of eighteen years and who is a resident, property owner or business owner of Rocky Point shall be eligible for membership. One or more members of each family may join.

Article 3B. Member in Good Standing: An individual shall be determined to be a member in good standing if (a) such a member has attended at least five of the last twelve monthly meetings; and, (b) such an individual must be a resident, property owner or business owner of Rocky Point; and, (c) membership dues are current.

Article 4. Dues:

Dues for members shall be (a) $15 per individual person; or (b) $20 per family. Dues shall be payable on joining the Association and for the ensuing year, dues must be paid by March 31st.

Article 5: Officers of the Association:

The Officers shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, , Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Sergeant at Arms. All Officers must be homeowners and residents of Rocky Point.

Article 6: Board of Trustees:

The Board of Trustees shall consist of the Officers of the Association and three (3) Trustees. A quorum of the Board of Trustees shall be six (6).

Article 7: Meetings:

The Association shall hold an Annual Meeting, in the month of November, for the election of Officers and Trustees and shall hold such regular and special meetings as may be deemed by the Board of Trustees. Elected Officers and Trustees will be sworn in at the December Meeting,

Article 8: Quorum:

A meeting quorum shall be a majority of eligible members in good standing. Fifteen (15) members should be present for any meeting to come to order for the purposes of proposing any resolutions. The Membership secretary shall provide the President a list of eligible members in good standing at the beginning of each meeting for the purposes of determining a meeting quorum.

Rocky Point Civic Association By-Laws

Available in PDF - download here Revised October 2015

Article 1. Duties of Officers:

The Officers of this Association shall perform all duties pertaining to their offices, subject to limitations set forth in the By-laws.

Section 1. PRESIDENT:

The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Association, and be a member of and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The President shall sign all contracts at the direction of the Board of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and to enforce the Constitution, all laws, and rules and regulations of the Association. The President shall decide all questions of order, and shall act as judge at, and declare the results of, all elections. At the first meeting of each year in the month of January, the President shall appoint any Standing Committees. The President shall have the power to appoint additional committees whenever, and if he/she deems them necessary. However, all appointments to all committees must be approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees before they become valid. The President shall cosign, with either the Vice President or the Treasurer, for any monies ordered paid by the Association. The President shall call all special meetings, and must verify the Annual Report of the Trustees presented by the Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees. In all matters of dispute and matters of personal conduct, of both members and Officers, the President shall follow Roberts Rules of Order.


It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in every way possible in the proper discharge of the office. During the absence of the President, or upon the President’s withdrawal from the Chair for the purpose of participating in the proceedings of the meeting, the Vice President shall assume all of the rights and powers of the President. The Vice President shall be the Nominating Committee Chairperson and shall appoint the required tellers for such Committee at the time of elections.

Section 3. SECRETARY:

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate record of the proceedings of any and all meetings of the Association. Such recordings shall be read to the Association member's president at the next regular or special meeting. The Secretary shall forward any abstract of the minutes to the President or Acting President whenever requested to do so by the President or Acting President. In case of inability of the Secretary to attend any meeting of the Board of Trustees or of the Association, the Secretary shall deliver the minutes to the President to be presented to the appropriate individuals by the President or the President’s designee. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to read all communications, reports and petitions, and to conduct all official correspondence of the Association. The duties are to include generating, answering, and communicating all correspondence to and from this Association.

Section 4. TREASURER:

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to forward, without delay to the Board of Trustees, all bills and claims against the Association. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of the funds of the Association, which must be deposited and maintained only in the account in the name of the Association in a secured institution of deposit approved by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall have the power to sign checks and vouchers for the payment of money, together with the President or Vice President. Be it understood that the Treasurer, the President and the Vice President are empowered to sign checks or vouchers in the name of the Association and that two of the three above mentioned signatures must appear on the checks or vouchers. The Treasurer shall keep correct books of the financial affairs of the Association and report the condition of such financial affairs to the membership at every meeting and at such other times as the President or Board of Trustees may direct. The Treasurer shall keep, at all times, the books open for inspection by a quorum of the Board of Trustees or any duly constituted auditing committee which the President or the Board of Trustees may designate. The Treasurer shall receive all monies designated for the Association. Aforesaid monies shall be promptly deposited in the proper accounts or funds. The Treasurer shall prepare the full financial report for the Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting in November, or at any time when requested to do so by the President or the Board of Trustees. At the expiration of said term of office, all monies, accounts, ledgers, or other properties of the Association that were in the Treasurer’s possession shall be delivered to the succeeding Treasurer.


It shall be the duty of the Membership Secretary to record all applications for membership and to keep a roster of all members, along with their names and addresses. It shall also be the duty of the Membership Secretary to forward, without delay, any reports that may be requested by the President or the Board of Trustees, and to submit any pertinent files for the purpose of inspection and audit whenever ordered to do so by the President or the Board of Trustees. It shall also be the duty of the Membership Secretary to keep an account of the financial standings, in this Association, of each member. The Membership Secretary shall collect all dues and remit the same over to the Treasurer within ten (10) days, taking a receipt at that time. The Membership Secretary shall make available a current and complete list of the membership for the use by the Board of Trustees at every regular or special meeting of the Association.


It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-At-Arms to direct members and guests to indicate their presence in writing at all regular and special meetings of the Association. In addition, the Sergeant shall greet and welcome all invited speakers. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall maintain order and, at the President’s direction, escort a member or guest who is out of order form the meeting.

Article 2. Board of Trustees:

The Board of Trustees shall exercise a general supervision over the Association. It shall have access at times to all records of the Association and shall, from time to time, designate suitable depositories for the funds of the Association.

Article 3. Eligibility to Vote:

A individual must be a member in good standing as defined in Article 3C of the Constitution in order to have the privilege to cast a vote in any matters concerning the Association. Voting privileges will be limited to two (2) members of good standing per single household. At its discretion, the Board of Directors may Postpone to a Certain Time any motion to allow the entire membership of be notified of a pending vote. Postponement to a Certain Time will not be a period longer than the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Article 4. Candidates, Nominations, Elections, Term of Office and Succession in Office, Impeachment/Removal from Office:

Section 1. Eligibility to be a Candidate:

An individual must be a member in good standing as defined in Article 3C of the constitution and must have attended at least six(6) of the last twelve (12) meetings of the Association to be eligible to be a candidate for any position on the Board of Trustees.

Section 2. Nomination and Election:

A Nominating Committee consisting of as many as five (5) members in good standing of the Association shall be appointed by the President in the month of September each year. The Vice President shall be deemed to be the Nominating Committee Chairperson. Such Committee shall nominate candidates for the various offices of the Association including Trustees. The names of the nominees selected must be presented to the members of the Association at the October meeting and at such time nominations may be made from the floor by a member in good standing. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall take place in November of each year at which time the Officers and trustees will be elected. Installation of Officers and Trustees shall take place at the December meeting. The elections will be by ballot or by voice vote of eligible members if there is one slate of candidates The Nominating Committee Chairperson shall appoint two (2) tellers to act as inspectors of the election. The Chairperson and Tellers shall supervise and have charge of the vote, shall tabulate the vote, and shall report to the President in writing the results of such voting.

Section 3. The candidates receiving the largest number of votes for each of the specific offices, which they are nominated for, shall be deemed to be elected.

The President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may appoint a member of good standing to fill any vacancy among the offices that may exist.

Section 4. Term of Office:

The Term of office shall be limited to two (2) years for officers. Trustees shall be elected for a period of three (3) years with one (1) retiring each year.

Section 5. Oath of Office:

I, (state name), solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the Rocky Point Civic Association and the United States of America, and to discharge my duties as (state position) to the best of my ability. So help me God.

Section 6. Impeachment/Removal from Office:

Any member of the Board of Trustees can fall subject to impeachment or removal from office if such member fails to meet the requirements or candidacy or fails to fulfill the duties of his/her office. Such impeachment or removal from office shall follow the guidelines outlined in Roberts Rules of Order.

Article 5. Meetings:

All regular meetings of the Association shall be held each month and shall commence at 7:30 p.m. The day of the regular meeting shall be determined at the annual meeting.

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